Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weird Chocolate Dreams

When I get tired I sleep one of two ways. Either I sleep like a log and dont wake up until morning, or I wake up constantly after having very bizarre dreams. These last couple of nights have been those with very weird dreams.

But not just any kind of weird dreams. These dreams have all been about one thing. Yep, you guessed it. Chocolate!

One was just about me smelling a chocolate marble and then I woke up (why it was a marble Im not too sure). However, the one I do completely remember was just the other night.

I was in a shop. It wasnt any specific shop, just one that my brain had made up. It was a chemist that sold food and served sandwiches. During this dream I did also apply for a job but was told I wasnt old enough to make sandwiches for the workers because they wanted someone who was elderly. Anyways, the chocolate came into this already bizarre dream when my mum put on the big freezer a bag of Clinkers. Now these werent any clinkers. These had a new orange flavour inside. They also were a reject packet because some of the clinkers inside had no chocolate on them.

That was why I began eating them. I didnt get to guess the colour, but I could still taste them. That's when it began to get really weird. I had only eaten the non chocolate ones when all of a sudden I had chocolate in my mouth!! I had to spit all my clinkers out of course, except I then realised that I had chocolate covering the whole inside of my mouth. Wanting so desperately to get rid of it I began scraping it out from my mouth. It felt like it does when you get peanut butter stuck in your mouth. It was awful!! Eventually I ended up just waking up and I realised that there really was no chocolate or clinkers or elderly lady sandwiches.

It was bizarre!!

My dad also had a dream that one day I came to them and said "I cant keep this any longer. I broke!! I did it! I ATE CHOCOLATE!!"

Hope none of them come true...

Blog again soon! 

God Bless :D

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