Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oh How I Wish I Had a Shell Like a Turtle

Ok, so I have now been chocolate free for a week, and honestly, it hasnt been too bad. I have sometimes wished I was a turtle with a shell I could hide in though. Like Thursday when Carly was getting her 20 boxes of chocolates and then there was selling happening left, right and centre. Or when we were walking through Charlestown Square on saturday and there was chocolate in every single shop we entered. Or when we were at Singleton and bought snacks and the counter I stood at had about 8 boxes of chocolates right beneath my nose. Oh how I am waiting for the day I dont miss it anymore...

Other than that, it's been pretty easy. I've had fun joking around with how hard it has been. It really isnt as bad as I sometimes make out. I admit it. I am sometimes exaggerating how awful it is for me. Sometimes it is, like those explained above, but I am just joking most of the time :D

I am really looking forward to what God has planned for me over this year. I havent really spoken about Him much at all yet but tonight I will. God was a MAJOR reason I did this in the first place. Not only has he created me with a heart for social justice but He was the one who placed this idea in my mind in the first place. I had this idea for a while but God was the one who really set the idea on fire. So now I am looking forward to what He is going to show me through this sacrifice of mine.

For those of you reading this who arent Christian then I just want to tell you a little about my Saviour. I say a little because honestly, there is no way that in one reasonable size post I could say all I wanted to. Firstly, you are loved by someone who knows you inside out, even better than you know yourself, and he is just waiting for you to begin searching for him cause he wants to blow you away with his love for you. He sent his one and only son to die for you so that whenever you decide to live life your way instead of following him, you can still have eternal life through Jesus.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you how you are a sinner and you are a bad person and there is a big fuzzy wuzzy in the sky who will make you follow all these rules and say all these prayers at certain times of the day. I am going to tell you that the hole you have inside you (you know the one I'm talking about) that you can never seem to fill, can be made whole. That ache in your heart can be eased completely. You can be made whole. You can have that same peace and that same joy that you see in me. All you have to do is accept that you were created by the creator, he made you individual and unique and he loves you more than you can ever imagine. 

Please think about this as you go to sleep tonight. If you have any questions, queries or anything, dont hesitate to ask me. I can promise you that when you begin to search for God with your whole heart, he will reveal himself to you. 

Please also, if you feel at all compelled, please donate/sponsor me. You do have a year, but why not be the first!! 

Blog again soon...

God Bless <3

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